Sex Talk with Phyllis Levy

The part of Canada I grew up in (mentioned in a post from February) was pretty remote. Dealing with my sexuality in such a setting was awful in the 1980s, and I'm sure it's not much easier now. But in 1986 (when I was 16), I had a voice coming through my radio that gave me hope and made me feel slightly less alone.

That voice belonged to Phyllis Levy, who hosted a show on WLS 890 out of Chicago called Sex Talk.

I could receive WLS fairly reliably at night, despite the fact that Chicago was about 1050 km / 650 miles away (SSE, as the crow flies). It was AM radio, and I would keep it on low volume in my room.

Phyllis Levy had the kindest voice, and a great sense of humour. I remember laughing when, discussing penile desensitization (from excessive friction), she exclaimed, "omigod, you guys! Be careful out there!"

I would give anything to hear her voice again. I wasn't able to Google up much on her... so Phyllis, this one's for you.


Crucible said…
Glad you found a friendly voice in the night, we all need those. Bizarre how much was learned thru those shows but there was there any other sources at the time? Or even now?
madamerouge said…
Well, people in the Toronto area had Sue Johansen R.N. (recipient of the Order of Canada). She's amazing... I just had no idea who she was until I moved out of the sticks.
Jason said…
I had Dr.Laura for an hour every morning for my commute in Vancouver.

Then I switched to Dr. Joy Browne. Now I get Dr. Bustard and Lula the boxer.

The Persian said…
Hm I guess you aren't surprised I've never heard of her. Dr. Ruth used to amuse me sometimes, and then I started to listen to Loveline (which I love). Thinking back to when I was 16, those were some sexually exiting times. I had a girlfriend then, and we experimented in so many ways. Looking back at the stuff we did .. yikes!
toobusyliving said…
i like "yikes," and think I found a picture of phyllis for you.
Butchie said…
You guys have radios in Canadia?
Timmy said…
they have radios, just not in color.

PS, Persian Guy is cute!
Miss Thistle said…
Sue Johansen came to my high school one year for a sex talk. Good times. And not too bad for a town of 5000. We also had a visit that same year from some members of Degrassi Junior High!

I know, I know - y'all are madd jellus now.
teh l4m3 said…
admit it: you just wanted an excuse to post a link to that sexy picture of yourself, madame fisherman.

PS I tagged you.
toobusyliving said…
indy - we spell it "colour" here and we use a crazyfangled system of measurement called metric.
Anonymous said…
And when Teh says he tagged someone and mentions a fisherman that can only mean: crabs!
teh l4m3 said…
Is gonorrhea a kind of fish? I know, let's ask adorable "Nemo" girlfriend!

PS madame why do you feel it necessary to so cheat me??
madamerouge said…
lol @ AG

teh: me no understand "cheat"

Butchie: yes, we have radios. We use them to tune into our Canadian radio stations to hear Celine Dion and Nickelback.
Butchie said…
Here we go with the Nickelback again. You fucking love them.
teh l4m3 said…
tornwordo said…
That was kind of heartwarming. I hope Phyllis gets to see it.

(It seems preferable to be snatchy/biting/funny if I take the clue from your commenters, but I'm too sentimental, or just bad at being snatchy/biting/funny.)
Anonymous said…
Teh, teh ... G-dawg sure smells like fish.

MR: I hate to tell you but your Phyllie-stine totally stole my cherry back in the day. I am barred from telling the details but she was AMAZING. Ooops, too much details.

Now becareful out there kiddies.
Mystery Man said…
I have been working with Phyllis for sometime now and she is wealth of knowledge and a pleasure to know.
madamerouge said…
mm: cool! Thanks for stopping by. I suspect many, many people have expressed their gratitude to Ms. Levy over the years, but for what it's worth... she was a real help to me.
Unknown said…
I loved phyllis levy on wls too...I would love to hear her again
Jay Edgar said…
I was thinking of her just tonight and found your blog after Googling her. So sorry to hear there are no recordings to be found!
Unknown said…
I'm so glad someone remembers her! She was such great person!

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