I got schtuck at Schiphol

OK! Nightmare trip so far. A snowstorm descended upon Pearson as I was waiting for my flight. Over 2h late taking off. And, at some point KLM decided to become Martinair and cram about a million seats into a 747-400. I thought I was going to die. Knees jammed into the seat in front of me. Zero room. 4-year-old kicking the seat behind me for the entire flight. (Oh, except for when she fell asleep on our approach to Amsterdam, and failed to wake up despite the plane being struck by lightning 3 times.)

By the way, I never have to take one of those parabolic flights that they use to train astronauts. I (and the rest of the jam-packed flight) experienced a couple of zero-G moments trying to land at Schipol. The pilot had his work cut out for him. It was one time in my life that I wasn't stressed out by applause at touchdown. This guy earned it.

Of course, I missed my connecting flight to Madrid.

2.5 hours of waiting at the transfer desk and I'm on the 4:15 p.m. flight to Madrid. I'm really glad there were no flights that left while I was waiting in the transfer area. That would have really sucked.

Three calls to The Westin Palace Madrid (7.40 Euro), and I think I might have successfully left a message for Paul explaining that I'll be late.

Anyway, I have to go get something to eat now (it's 12:33 p.m. local time). But before then, I have to go on seatguru.com and find out if the nice (I'm being serious) KLM agent upgraded me to business class on the Madrid flight. I'm in 6C. Think good thoughts for me!



Jason said…
Business class would be nice! What time are you due into Madrid then? I thought of you when I was going home last night and snow was blowing. I figured there'd be a slight delay.
Anonymous said…
bad start = good trip!
just be happy you didn't lose your luggage! you'll have a blast i'm sure and you picked a perfect time to go...the snowing icy streets suck! have fun! so jealous! be "SAFE"! xo ;)
Shhhh, it's OK...Spain is worth the trip for the badparts alone. Just ask Jason (however he may lean toward Portgual). Have a great time. Tell Paul to be a good boy and eat lots of pork!
Jason said…
Here to cheer you up are two songs from Brokeback Mtn.

A Love That Will Never Grow Old.mp3

The Wings.mp3
Anonymous said…
6C? You want 1A or 1B. You get the better meal choice.

Have fun in Spain!
Anonymous said…
We also received that envelope you mailed us. Thanks again for that and we look forward to partying with you next Saturday.

toobusyliving said…
It sounds like you are off to a great start! Don't forget that as far as souvenirs go, I like good ones and Jason likes "Jokey" ones - plus as you are returning on my birthday, this is a great oppoortunity to redeem yourself for that stale box of "Pot of Gold" chocholates from Pharma Plus last year.
mistipurple said…
struck 3 times! are you any smarter? these things happen you know!
oh, i wish you a good holiday!
toobusyliving said…
I was looking under you "Interests" column on your blog - I always thought that your favourite movie was "Beaches." Or, if as you always say "It's too bad that nobody in Hollywood has the guts to make a feature film of The Golden Girls."
Anonymous said…
mloyd...is feeling the love...the love....who is toobusyliving? lark or peter?
Jason said…
Where is your next blog entry jerk?

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