my favourite place

I'm allowed to start using my arm again, so one of the things I did was to organize some more photos. These are from my trip last year to our family's cabin on Boulder Lake in northwestern Ontario. It's in the area of Ontario bordered by Manitoba and Minnesota.

The fishing was bad, but I didn't care. It's fun to just be out on the lake in the fresh air. I threw this smallmouth bass back.

We went back out on the lake that evening. If this blog had smell-o-
vision, you'd be treated to the aroma of cedar trees.

Back to work tomorrow! Sigh... Thanks to N for the photos.


Crucible said…
Gorgeous pics. Suprised the fishing was bad up there.
The Persian said…
I assume that's Lake Ontario? Really amazing pics man, thanks for sharing :)
Shora said…
Sigh... will it ever be summer again? Great pics.
madamerouge said…
Crucie: my sister-in-law takes amazing pictures

P-guy: I do currently live in a city that's on the shoreline of Lake Ontario (which borders New York state); however, these pictures are from a lake that's north of Minnesota. Ontario is very large... it borders six states (in a combination of land and water: MN, WI, MI, OH, PA, NY) and is about three times the size of Texas.

Shora: it will. We will be choking on smog all-too-soon...
look at you and your new fishin' shirt! You're even touching the fish.
Anonymous said…
RED ALERT, I'm so glad you and those who commented like the pictures. As you know, I am better known as the paparazzi. (grin)

I heard about your arm and I am glad to hear that you're feeling better now.

Hope to see you this weekend,

P.S. Since I was there with you, I totally had smell-o-vision while looking at your pictures. I want to go back soon. XOX
Jason said…
What??? You are leaving me again for John and Natasha? Want me to dislocate your other arm? You'll have to do your 'private touches' with your feet if you leave me.
George Larson said…
That thur's a cedar tree scented feesh!
Mr. Guesa said…
That's a great sunset...
OLY said…
You look like you had as much fun as I did! Kewl PIcs and I love the smells u conjured up!
Anonymous said…
Very nice. UC's family has a home on the lake as well, I'll have to ask where. We plan to go up there this summer.
Anonymous said…
look divine.
wish i was there right now.
you're so cute even with one arm xo
Nölff said…
I want to have fun, but I have to stay at work for a long time. It smells like hate and coffee.
car@ said…
So do you fish?? awesome picks!!!
i have a funatic for fishing in my family! my dad!!

sorry i have not come in here before. HUGS!
teh l4m3 said…
Woof. Oh, and the guy is cute, too.

Anonymous said…
I'm definitely visiting Canada this summer.
sirbarrett said…
This makes me want summer so bad. I'd get out the rod and sit back with a brew, ah! that's the Canadian life for me.
madamerouge said…
Whoops. I shouldn't have included Wisconsin in that list.

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