rich Corinthian leather

It's laundry night, and I found another treasure in the laundry room of my apartment building: an ad for the 1984 Chrysler New Yorker in the March 1984 issue of Architectural Digest. Check out Ricardo Montalbán!

I remember these cars. There was an electronic voice alert that would tell you "the door is ajar" and other things the driver of a car should already have an innate awareness of. The seats — whether they were upholstered in velour or "rich leather" — were extremely soft and cushioned like a sofa.

In the eleventh grade, my friend Barb and I bombed around one snowy winter night in her mom's New Yorker. More on that later.


Butchie said…
Woah! Flashback to my '87 Dodge Diplomat.

I love looking at old Playboy magazines because they had the swankiest stereo & aftershave ads. And naked chicks.
Dead Robot said…
Everything is so... square!
Anonymous said…
I find the word 'ajar' one of the weirdest words in the english language.
Dead Robot said…
I think it sounds like a 80s performance artist from Quebec:

Jean Michel Ajar!
George Larson said…
Did you screw her?

Or had you already caught the gay?
madamerouge said…
Butchie: I loved looking at Penthouse magazines from the late '70s / early '80s, because they have some hot man-on-man, a2m action in the "letters to Forum" section.

dr, k: it apparently drove people crazy. As technologically-advanced as it was for its time (the feature was made by Texas Instruments, and was the same voice-synth technology as the Speak-and-Spell), most people ended up killing the feature by activating the bypass switch found in the glove box.

Jorge! We thought we'd lost ya. No, Barb and I didn't hump. I'm 100% gay... a 6 on the Kinsey scale.

Barb & I ended up going to the same university. One night in first year, we were drinking in her residence room. I glanced on the bookshelf, picked up a strange-looking round plastic case, and asked her what she kept in it.

"Those would be my birth-control pills," she replied. JAJAJAJAJAJA!
I had a case of teh gay clueless!
S said…
I always loved digital guages and Landau, padded roofs.
Phronk said…
That's awesome. I wish cars talked more. We're supposed to be in the friggin future here.

Miss Thistle said…
Mrs. Viddy had a New Yorker in highschool, I think. I vaguely remember a talking car. Although it might have just been the weed.
Dead Robot said…
My dad had one of the first Nissan SX models when they came out. It had a digitized Japanese woman's voice to let us know the the "Doh is ajah!"
Anonymous said…
Yins are in Hog Town!
Well fuck me from behind with the Bloor Viaduct, I's a Beaches boy meself. Then I moved to the Rathnelly Republic.
Now I'm dead.
Anonymous said…
Oh I forgat, I lived in Cabbage Town for a spell too. Sackville Street actually.
Mitzzee said…
i want to know more about drunken debaucherous night
Yeah, what Mitzee said!!!
Jason said…
I don't care for cars.

Why am I not surprised Butchie owned a Dodge? And old Playboys?
my parent's had one when i was a teenager however i rarley used it. my brother was nice and had a prelude.
Pablo said…
Hi Madame!

I don't remember these cars. I wasn't born, yet.
George Larson said…
Post, dagnammit!

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