Carrie Fisher is awesome

I'm back from my Christmas holiday. It's amazing what you can get done when you're not glued to a computer... I finally finished reading the October issue of Vanity Fair, and started November.

(Yes, I'm that behind in my VF subscription. I'm also carrying some extra weight. Goddamned BLOGGING.)

Imagine my delight when I turned to George Wayne's Q&A with Carrie Fisher. Fisher refers to her home as "Kennecuntport." And when Wayne asks her how she ended up in Star Wars, she responds, "I slept with some nerd. I hope it was George [Lucas]."

I absolutely love her.


Anonymous said…
Pills, cigarettes and booze?! Yep, it's post holidays celebrations with Carrie!

Glad you had a nice holiday and got caught up.

Anonymous said…
How tacky.
tornwordo said…
Makes me want to go rent Postcards from the Edge now.
Crucible said…
I had the exact thought tornwordo did! Hope Christmas was good and all the best for the New Year.
Crucible said…
Oh, and you should drop in at the pub this aft/eve to buy Shora an early birthday drink.
Timmy said…
I want her pharmacist!
Anonymous said…
VANITY FAIR???????????

She's cool - i love those quotes!
Anonymous said…
I hate birthdays. But I heart Princess Leia.

Pablo said…
I'd so hang out with her.
teh l4m3 said…
Her cool-o-meter is way beyond anything Debbie Reynolds could achieve. Her re-fisher-ator is dialed up to 9, she's so cool.
teh l4m3 said…
PS Watch the Aristocrats. She's in it.
Anonymous said…
I saw her in Space Wars.
Anonymous said…
Haha that picture rocks. She looks like a fun drinking buddy.

Happy New Year!

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