rouge-alicious def

This post is inspired by YJA's nasty comment from the other day. (He said that I should pretty myself up a bit if I want to meet a nice guy.) I decided to take his negative energy and turn it into something cheerful and life-affirming.

(Backgrounder: YJA and I have a long history of hurling insults at each other. Well, it's more of a one-way thing. But there's lots of lurve there--don't misunderstand me.)

YJA likes to poke fun at how I dress. Admittedly, there are times I can be stuck in the '90s. This is primarily due to my love of plaid. And yes, I did wear a plaid shirt to the Christmas party I mentioned in Sunday's post.

But here's the thing: plaid's back. Just ask Fergie... check out her awesome plaid dress in the video for "Fergalicious". I'm bringin' tartan back!


tornwordo said…
I love plaid. Fashion is an illusion anyway.
Anonymous said…
You know, if people had never met you, there is a high level of probability that they would assume you are really Butch.

Oh, and there's that other detail - going around the Net calling yourself Madamerouge!

I do love you in plaid though. I think I even bought you a plaid robe once.
Miss Thistle said…
I like you in plaid too.

I'm wearing a plaid skirt today actually. Althought it's pretty boring 'cause it's just black and grey.
Crucible said…
Some people are just mad about plaid. I don't think its for me but it definitely seems to suit the MRouge!
Anonymous said…
I can't deal with plaid or tartan, but you're pretty damned cute anyway.
Anonymous said…
Remember when you made me go see this musical with you?
Timmy said…

dont listen to YJA....she is just bitter.
Anonymous said…
I almost forgot about our gay camping trip when I bought the princess napkins and plates.
Say it with me!

Sorry it can't always be plaid. Even FOREVER PLAID finished it run here in Toronto. I would suggest buying something from somewhere other than Eddie Bower and in a solid colour. Just once.
madamerouge said…
I did not make Peter go see Forever Plaid. But I can appreciate the sentiment of the title.

Alexander McQueen uses lots of plaid in his designs, and Sarah Jessica Parker wears them. She's stylin'. So there! MORE plaid validation. "Don't you bring me down today..."

Jason: remember Paul falling off his chair in the restaurant when I described my mountainside 3-way? DAYUM that was a fun trip.
Anonymous said…
I don't see anything wrong with the plaid but keep the beard. It's damn sexy.
Anonymous said…
Madamerouge used to call his beard his "flavour Saver"
Pablo said…
YJA's just jealous cause he's not hot like you are. It's so obvious that I'm a little embarrassed for him.

My friends make fun of me because I wore plaid once.
Anonymous said…
flavour saver. LOL

you people are all nuts!
It's OK to wear plaid sometimes. But not all the time. The only outfits you do own that aren't plaid are your suits (thank God).
Fergie and Sarah don't wear plaid everyday do they?
S said…
He's bring checky back (yeah).
Dem other boys don't know how to act...
Anonymous said…
Plaid skirts on a hot chick I can handle. Not big on The Plaid though.

"He's gone to plaid!!!!"

Ludicrous speed!

Okay /end movie quotes

(I like the beard too!)
teh l4m3 said…
You look fine -- in other words, the very antonym of "fergalicious."
Anonymous said…

You are bloody gorgeous!

muah! xoxoxoxo so nice to FINALLY hang out with you the other night. merry merry sweetie and i hope your new year is the best ever with good things only! you deserve that! xo
car@ said…
You look gorgeous with your beard!!! keep it keep it!! ;-)

I really hope this is the year for you. Meaning you meet a nice guy who cares for you and gives you nights of endless pleasure, jiji! :-)
Merry xmas madame! and a very happy new year!!!!!!! MUACKS!!
Anonymous said…
Plaid is very Canadian.

This is all I say to UC when he wears it and thinks it looks good on him.
Anonymous said…
I forgot to say Merry Happy Christmas!
The Persian said…
You get better and better looking each year. That last one is HAWT! :)

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